Discipler's Prep

Disciple’s Prep explains the foundational discipling strategy of Ethnos found within the Establish resources AND it gives you the tools to equip your next generation of discipler’s. The fifteen lessons are centred around the CALL, the GOALS, the METHODS and the CHARACTER of disciple-making. This tool is very character driven.


"I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that so clearly and consistently lays out the how, the why, and the goal of discipleship!"

"I’m honestly amazed at the depth and yet simplicity and clarity of the content and how it builds so cohesively."

"It honestly is written like a coach in a 'tail board chat' with the discipler and an adventure roadmap of what to expect for the ready and willing disciple."

“I would highly recommend this as a tool that can help the Church take the Gospel to all Nations. As Christ has placed the Great Commission in our hands, so we must spur one another on to good works!”

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