Terry and Rosie Banman
Role: Part-Time Editor and Western Canada Representative for Ethnos Canada
Terry and Rosie both grew up in Christian homes and in churches where missions was promoted. As a teen Rosie was challenged in her walk with God and was burdened for those around her. As she thought about her future career she knew that she wanted to do something that involved bringing souls to heaven. She went off to Bible school seeking direction in regards to how she could be involved in missions.
Terry was challenged to be involved in tribal missions as a young man when he saw the slideshow, “Each Stick had a Name” and realized that there were still places in the world that had no gospel witness or Bible in their language. He decided to go to Nipawin Bible College which is where he met Rosie!
Terry & Rosie were married in 1990 and began training with Ethnos Canada (founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission) a few years later. They arrived in Papua New Guinea in January 1997 with their two children, Troy and Kara. Sharla was born and added to the family two years later. The Banmans lived and worked in the Wusuraambya People Group for 11 years along with their team mates and were involved in discipleship of the growing church.
After that they moved to the central area support centre to take care of new missionaries and were mentored into the leadership team. While serving in that capacity they discipled local believers, and took on many other responsibilities needed to support missionaries living in the remote language groups.
Terry & Rosie currently reside in Canada as part of the Ethnos Church Relations team, bringing awareness of the desperate needs of the least-reached people groups of the World and to make His name known among the nations (Ethnos)!